Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Our very advanced baby....

This video is actually from 5/7 so we are a little late posting it! I will post some more pics soon...our big girl is now 3 weeks old as of tomorrow! She was 8lb 15oz yesterday at the pediatrician's office so she is gaining an average of 2 oz/day...which is awesome! She is eating like a champ (obviously) and sleeping pretty well too! Mommy is actually getting some sleep at night (daddy too:).


  1. We miss Abigail... Trying to plan another trip
    soon to Atlanta... Three weeks old already..
    You are all doing great... So proud of you.
    Being parents isn't as easy as it looks is it?

  2. Dang is she cute! I am impressed with the head holding. Mine is teething a screaming. Gotta run...... Keep the pictures coming.
