Sunday, April 25, 2010

Home Sweet Home!

We made it home on Saturday 4/24! After a long day/night on Friday with the bili lights/phototherapy (which was NOT fun for any of us, specifically baby Abigail), her bilirubin levels were much improved so we were discharged in the afternoon. She loves her new digs and is doing really well just being loved on and cuddled. Feedings are going really well (we are doing some formula still to make sure the bilirubins stay down) and Evan has been so great with it all. He does most diaper changes and does all the bottle feeds while I nurse/pump. It's been busy but fun. Will post more pics soon but wanted everyone to know we made it home safe and sound!!


  1. Good to hear you got to go home. Mom and I where talking about you last night. I will pass on the good news. I noticed the time of your post was in the early hours. Weeeeeee. Thanks for the updates.

  2. Hey guys - glad you are finally home!! She is precious! Looking forward to coming over for a visit soon! xoxo carrie

  3. How is Porter with baby sister?!
