Hi all...well, I survived my first Halloween experience just fine! Mommy and Daddy took me trick or treating with Uncle Judd/Aunt Heidi/Jacob and Coleman. We had lots of fun and I was the cutest pink bunny you ever saw. I chewed on my carrot all night! Until I fell asleep of course...
I had my 6 month shots today and I am so big! I was 27 3/4 inches (off the charts!) and 16 lb 14oz which is between the 50-75% for my age. Looks like I'll be long and skinny:) I did, however, also get my first ear infection. I've had a cold for about a week with a cough and ended up with an ear infection. I started an antibiotic today so I was not in a good mood today but I'm sleeping soundly now! Hopefully I'll feel better tomorrow!!
Just wanted to update you all with my newest pictures...and did I tell you that I say "mama" all the time...someone around here says it is music to her ears:) Thanks for checking in!
Love, Abigail
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