Hey Everyone...tis the season to be 7 months old already! I'm sitting up really well and rolling everywhere...haven't figured out the crawling thing yet but mommy and daddy say they are okay with that! I've got 2 teeth now and I'm eating some yummy foods..started with rice cereal, then sweet potatoes, carrots, bananas and some prunes today (too much cereal and bananas:). Mommy and daddy are making the food themselves so far...we'll see how long that lasts! I had my first Thanksgiving and it was so much fun! We went up and stayed w/ Mimi and Papa (in Roswell, 20 minutes away) for 3 nights. Uncle Darren, Aunt Stephanie, Brendan and Maddie were there too. I got to play alot and had lots of people wanting to hold me...we even went to the park and I went on my first swing and slide. I am so excited for the month of December...we are going to spend my first Christmas here in Atlanta and start our new tradition. Mommy is gung ho that she is going to deck the halls...and I'll probably just try to put all the decorations in my mouth. We will head to Grammie and Grampa's house for New Years and get to see Uncle Pete, Aunt Holly and Cousin Jack too. I am such a blessing and mommy and daddy just love me to pieces. I got some 6 month pictures done which will be posted soon...but for now, enjoy the mamarazzi photos!!! XOXO Abigail
Sunday, November 28, 2010
Tis the season!
Hey Everyone...tis the season to be 7 months old already! I'm sitting up really well and rolling everywhere...haven't figured out the crawling thing yet but mommy and daddy say they are okay with that! I've got 2 teeth now and I'm eating some yummy foods..started with rice cereal, then sweet potatoes, carrots, bananas and some prunes today (too much cereal and bananas:). Mommy and daddy are making the food themselves so far...we'll see how long that lasts! I had my first Thanksgiving and it was so much fun! We went up and stayed w/ Mimi and Papa (in Roswell, 20 minutes away) for 3 nights. Uncle Darren, Aunt Stephanie, Brendan and Maddie were there too. I got to play alot and had lots of people wanting to hold me...we even went to the park and I went on my first swing and slide. I am so excited for the month of December...we are going to spend my first Christmas here in Atlanta and start our new tradition. Mommy is gung ho that she is going to deck the halls...and I'll probably just try to put all the decorations in my mouth. We will head to Grammie and Grampa's house for New Years and get to see Uncle Pete, Aunt Holly and Cousin Jack too. I am such a blessing and mommy and daddy just love me to pieces. I got some 6 month pictures done which will be posted soon...but for now, enjoy the mamarazzi photos!!! XOXO Abigail
Monday, November 1, 2010
Happy Halloween!
Hi all...well, I survived my first Halloween experience just fine! Mommy and Daddy took me trick or treating with Uncle Judd/Aunt Heidi/Jacob and Coleman. We had lots of fun and I was the cutest pink bunny you ever saw. I chewed on my carrot all night! Until I fell asleep of course...
I had my 6 month shots today and I am so big! I was 27 3/4 inches (off the charts!) and 16 lb 14oz which is between the 50-75% for my age. Looks like I'll be long and skinny:) I did, however, also get my first ear infection. I've had a cold for about a week with a cough and ended up with an ear infection. I started an antibiotic today so I was not in a good mood today but I'm sleeping soundly now! Hopefully I'll feel better tomorrow!!
Just wanted to update you all with my newest pictures...and did I tell you that I say "mama" all the time...someone around here says it is music to her ears:) Thanks for checking in!
Love, Abigail
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