Today is my 5 month birthday...mommy and daddy say I'm growing like a weed! I am rolling over from back to front all the time now. I like to do that at night and then get stuck on my belly and cry for mommy to come help me. I've pretty much been sleeping through the night...and doing really well with it. Naps??? Not so much. I don't really like them...and when I do nap, it's usually not for more than 45 minutes, if we're lucky! But I'm really happy and fun to be around all the time!
I'm getting so much more interactive now...I have taken a real liking to my brother Porter (the dog). He still doesn't care so much about me but he makes me smile and laugh all the time. Mommy got me a Jumperoo recently at a consignment sale, and while it takes up most of our living room, I love to jump around in it! Of course there is video of that....
We are getting ready for our big trip to Hilton Head on 10/9...Grammie and Grampa are renting a house and we are going to go for a vacation! We are going to have my baptism there at the church where mommy and daddy got married. I can't wait to see all my cousins and get to spend some time with everyone at the beach.
Hope you all enjoy seeing how big I am now...football season has started and of course, Mommy says I'm the cutest baby gator ever!!!